I am back here now (literally as I am typing, sitting in the Hotel Schwarzer Bock) for the first time since I left in 83, with my son who was born in late 83 (I met his mother here in Crailsheim). .... Crailsheim was my first duty station, and I loved the fests, the people, the little kaserne atmosphere, taking the train to Robinson and Patch barracks in Stuttgart to go shopping or hanging out at the Stern or at the club in Neustadtlein, where I met my wife in 76. ...
I am back here now (literally as I am typing, sitting in the Hotel Schwarzer Bock) for the first time since I left in 83, with my son who was born in late 83 (I met his mother here in Crailsheim). .... Crailsheim was my first duty station, and I loved the fests, the people, the little kaserne atmosphere, taking the train to Robinson and Patch barracks in Stuttgart to go shopping or hanging out at the Stern or at the club in Neustadtlein, where I met my wife in 76. ...
I am back here now (literally as I am typing, sitting in the Hotel Schwarzer Bock) for the first time since I left in 83, with my son who was born in late 83 (I met his mother here in Crailsheim). .... Crailsheim was my first duty station, and I loved the fests, the people, the little kaserne atmosphere, taking the train to Robinson and Patch barracks in Stuttgart to go shopping or hanging out at the Stern or at the club in Neustadtlein, where I met my wife in 76. ...